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April 9, 2021

7 Tips on How to Be a More Sustainable Cat Parent

  • Tips
  • Sustainability
  • Cat Food
  • Wet Food
  • Cat
Cat on kitchen counter pawing at a bowl of GO! SOLUTIONS SENSITIVITIES Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Pollock Pâté

Most of us are more aware than ever before of ways that we can live more sustainably and reduce the impact we have on the environment. But have you stopped to consider the impact your cat has on the planet and the size of the pawprint your cat is leaving behind? If this is something new to you, we’ve got some kitten-sized tips to help get you started. And if you’ve been trotting down this path for some time now, we’ve also got some tips that you may not have considered.

First up – small and easy, but impactful!

1. Cat litter

Just because Fifi does her business inside, does not mean she’s immune to the pet waste chat. One of the most common cat litters used is clay litter. The mining of clay for cat litter is destructive to the environment and causes loss of forests and natural vegetation, loss of wildlife habitats which displaces wildlife, contaminates water, causes erosion and contributes to flooding. The dust from clay cat litter can also be harmful to humans and animals who breathe in the dust or lick it off their paws.

Fortunately, there are lots of eco-friendly alternatives available. Consider litter made from wood pellets, wood shavings, recycled newspaper, walnut shells, etc.

And remember, every plastic bag coming into your home that can’t be recycled, can be used for scooped cat litter – chip bags, bread bags, frozen veggie bags, etc.

2. Pet food packaging

Pets eat a lot of food and this means a lot of packaging too. Look for packaging that can be recycled like the Tetra Pak cartons used for Go! Solutions wet food recipes. Over 2/3 of our Tetra Pak cartons are made of a renewable & responsibly managed resource – TREES! Trees regenerate naturally and help us to achieve a low carbon footprint. Tetra Pak cartons are recyclable and made from 69% renewable resources and FSC-certified paper. In Canada approximately 89% of households have access to carton recycling. To learn more visit Carton Council of Canada. In the USA, approximately 60% of households have access to carton recycling. To find out where you can recycle your cartons in the USA visit the Carton Council of USA.

There are a myriad of uses for empty, clean pet food bags so reuse and up-cycle those bags. Bags with Velcro closures are great for storing things like painting supplies; use the bags for wet cat litter; keep a large bag or two in your car for wet/dirty clothes or shoes after a hike or trip to the beach, etc.

3. Sustainability certifications

Certifications on the packaging for pet food, toys, accessories, etc. can help you quickly identify ingredients or materials that have met rigorous sustainability criteria. An example is the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification which requires fishing operations to meet very strict criteria to preserve the ecosystem. Pet food such as Go! Solutions Sensitivities Limited Ingredient Grain Free Pollock Pâté for cats uses MSC-certified Alaskan wild Pollock so you can be assured that the fish was harvested using sustainable fishing methods.

4. Purpose-driven companies

Sustainability goes beyond environmental concerns. It also includes how businesses are working to support the communities where they do business and throughout their supply chain. You can show support with your wallet for companies that are using their business as a force for good. Check the websites for your favourite pet food and pet accessories brands – are they giving back to their communities in meaningful ways? If not, consider switching to brands that do.

5. Toys

Cats, like little kids, are constantly putting things in their mouths so it’s best to look for toys made from non-toxic materials. Many companies now are making eco-friendly pet toys from recyclable or recycled materials, or earth-friendly fabrics like hemp and other natural fibres. Really try to limit toys made from plastic which can end up in landfills where they’ll never decompose. And cats tend to get bored easily of toys, consider donating gently used toys to your local animal rescue. The toys will get a much longer life and you’ll bring joy to an animal waiting for its forever home.

Tempted by the latest electronic gadget to amuse your pet? Try to resist. Just because you’re wowed, doesn’t mean your pet will be. And these digital toys have a high environmental cost – from the plastic used to make them, to the electricity demand used to manufacture them. Instead stick with the tried and true toys like chews and balls which minimize wasteful power usage.

And of course -reuse! Cats love boxes from your online deliveries. Or consider a toy swap with friends who have pets. People do this with kids’ toys – why not also do it for pets’ toys?!

Tips that stretch beyond typical consideration…

6. Feeding your pet

Many cats are substantially heavier than their ideal body weight. Check out our Body Score Chart to see what your cat’s healthy weight should look and feel like. It is important not to overfeed your pet. Not only is it not good for their waistline, but it’s not a sustainable practice either.

Speaking of food, consider the type of animal protein in your pet’s food and the environmental impact of how that animal was raised in the animal production industry. Poultry production has the lowest impact to the plant, beef has the highest impact, and fish and pork are in between.

7. Holistic service providers

10 years ago holistic veterinarians were virtually non-existent. Now they’re starting to become more mainstream. Holistic vets typically use natural remedies which are non-toxic and non-contaminating to the water supply. Holistic medicine can be more eco-friendly for the planet and your pet.

Also look for groomers using natural pet care products. Most pet shampoos contain harsh chemicals which contaminate the water when it goes down the drain, and can then end up leaching into the ground. Your dog or cat will be healthier without the harsh chemicals and so will the fish where the water ends up.

Final thoughts

If sustainability and pet-parenting is a new combo for you, kudos for being open to new ideas! As with anything new, start small and add in one thing at a time to your lifestyle. Don’t try to take everything on at once. If you’re the poster-child for sustainable pet-parenting congrats! Helping your friends who are just starting a sustainable journey with their pet is a great way to share your knowledge and will benefit everyone involved. Slow and steady, supportive, sustainable and purposeful steps will win the race for you, your pet, and the planet.


Christine Mailler

Christine Mallier

Community Relations & Sustainability Manager

Christine has been an advocate leading sustainability initiatives in her professional life for over 25 years and has been championing sustainability at Petcurean since 2015. She is passionate about animal rescue and for more than 10 years has been volunteering at an animal shelter in her community.