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January 7, 2021

Premium Quality Success: Ozzy's Story

  • Success Stories
Ozzy the dog

Casey didn't know what to do about his dog's terrible allergies. Their vet advised a higher quality food, so Casey picked up our Skin + Coat Care Salmon Recipe with Grains, and Ozzy's success story begins. Go! Solutions Skin + Coat Care recipes use premium-quality meat and ingredients rich in omega oils, to help keep dogs like Ozzy looking and feeling their best.

"About a year ago, we noticed that Ozzy's hair was really thinning out. It got to the point where he was balding on both sides of his torso and on his legs, too. "The Great & Powerful Oz" wasn't looking or feeling all that great or powerful! So we took Ozzy to the vet, but after examining him everything seemed to check out okay. The vet's only recommendation was that we feed Ozzy a higher quality pet food. We found Go! Solutions Skin + Coat Care at local pet store, and decided to try it."

"After only one bag, we noticed a massive difference! Ozzy's coat grew to be thick and shiny and his bald spots healed right up."

We've had Ozzy for 3.5 years now, and his coat has never been thicker, shinier or healthier.
Casey CostelloOzzy's Parent

"Big thank-you to Go! Solutions! We highly recommend this pet food recipe and would suggest that dog owners choose a premium quality pet food like Go! Solutions to correct (or better yet), prevent any issues with their pet."

Discover what makes Go! Solutions recipes unique and very different from ordinary pet foods. Want to read more Success Stories? You'll find them here.


Ozzy the dog

Casey Costello

Pet Parent

With the help of Pete Pallett